" ... lo esencial es invisible a los ojos ..."

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Russel Fei


We are very proud to be representing Russell Fei, an illustrator based in China, a country where we are finding more and more exceptional talent. Our fluent English speaking Chinese agent Tianyin who is based in Shanghai, is on hand to guide and assist you through every stage of the commissioning process, so delivering first class commissions to tight deadlines is easy.

Russell originated from Dalin where early on in life he discovered his love for drawing and creating his wonderful dream worlds. Moving to Shenzhen he quickly pursued a career in illustration.
Russell is happy to work with clients to create different kinds of illustrations with unique styles and themes.

Katharine Asher

I have worked as a freelance within illustration and design for many years, specialising in figurative work. My early formal training at Harrow College of Art focused on strong traditional drawing skills, the ability to think in three dimensions and a thorough understanding of anatomy and movement. This has proved to be the backbone of my skill base, enabling me to attract work from a wide variety of commercial sources from publishing and advertising to film.
I continually evolve my style which keeps my focus fresh and my work in line with commercial trends.

Nuno Dacosta

Nuno is a London based, self taught illustrator specialising in fashion and beauty imagery.
Nuno's illustrations fall mainly in two categories, colour and black and white brush work but always retain their up to the minute sense of style.
His illustrations are hand drawn and painted with water colours and Gouache and then scanned, retouched and painted on Photoshop.

Having worked with top fashion creatives Neil Moodie, Lisa Butler and Zoe Irwin, Nuno's illustrations have been seen in Wonderland, Marie Claire, You and The Daily Telegraph.
Nuno was also appointed as exclusive fashion illustrator to designer Melissa Odabash on her first Ready to Wear collection which debuts in Spring Summer 2010.



Originally from Devon, Madamesange (aka Helen Lang) now lives and works in SW London. She has worked extensively in the stationery, print and poster industry gaining clients such as TESCO and The Art Group in the UK and Paper Magic and American Greetings in the US.

Back in a rather lovely studio she is now developing her more decorative line and beautiful lettering styles and techniques as well as generating a healthy appetite for Guinness & cous cous..(not together yeah!?)

Madamesange works in a variety of media, using painting, drawing, typography and Photoshop to get the required unique artwork completed.

Victoria Ball


Victoria graduated from Falmouth College of Arts, Cornwall, with a first class BA Hons in Illustration. She soon went on to accept her first commission for The Children’s Company, through which she was fortunate enough to illustrate BAFTA Award winning children’s series ‘Ripley and Scuff’ for Children’s ITV.
She now works from her Gloucestershire based studio.

Her style is achieved through the application of acrylic ink or paint on board, often using using Adobe Photoshop to layer and construct the final artwork.

Victoria also produces contemporary lifestyle illustration.

Angela Eata


We are very proud to be representing Angela Eata.

Angela graduated from Wuhan University of Technology where she studied animation. Angela quickly found acclaim working as a character designer before moving on to work as a freelance illustrator in 2008.

She has worked on a wide variety of exciting projects for children's books, publishing and editorial and is always evolving her style.

Ben Zhao


We are very proud to be representing Bin Zhao, an illustrator based in China, a country where we are finding more and more exceptional talent. Our fluent English speaking Chinese agent Tianyin who is based in Shanghai, is on hand to guide and assist you through every stage of the commissioning process, so delivering first class commissions to tight deadlines is easy!

Bin is an illustrator working and living in Beijing, who works for newspapers, magazines, TV stations and digital media. He likes to use playful elements and cheerful colors in creating his artwork.

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Marcelo Cáceres

Marcelo Cáceres nace en la ciudad de Viña del Mar en el año 1973. Diseñador Gráfico de profesión, estudió entre los años 1992 y 1994 en el Instituto Profesional AIEP en la ciudad de Santiago. Su experiencia acumula más de 13 años en el desarrollo de infografías para diversos periódicos nacionales, siendo en el desaparecido diario La Época el lugar donde se produce su conexión y encuentro con la fotografía.

Autodidacta en la fotografía comienza a descubrir a través de imágenes sacadas del cotidiano, personajes que cautivan y cultivan su vocación. En el año 2000 toma su primer curso de fotografía en la Galería Contraluz y en el año 2003 cursa el diplomado en periodismo visual en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. En esta misma universidad, cursó el año 2007 el diplomado en Fotografía digital y Estética.

Gran parte de su trabajo esta ligado a vivencias de viaje. En distintos lugares ha capturado el movimiento de personas y personajes en su medio y cotidianeidad, siendo de especial relevancia su trabajo en el norte de Chile (Tercer encuentro de Fotógrafos en Valparaíso 2004 y Fotoamérica 2004, Extremos), su captura de la Mirada Preta en Brasil, su serie de fotografías del tren subterráneo de Nueva York (Centro Cultural La Moneda, Colectivo 12 monos y Fotoamérica 2006), actualmente se encuentra desarrollando un trabajo de investigación en la fiesta religiosa de la Virgen de Lo Vásquez.

Su dedicación y trabajo ha sido premiado el año 2003 en el SALON NACIONAL DE FOTOGRAFÍA DE PRENSA, obteniendo el Primer lugar Categoría Retrato y Mención Honrosa Categoría Vida Diaria. Además ese mismo año obtuvo Mención Honrosa en Categoría Monocromo en el Primer Salón Internacional CAF de Buenos Aires. El 2006 fue finalista oro del concurso “Luces de América” organizado por la National Geographic. Entre los años 2004 y 2006 ha figurado en la selección del SALON NACIONAL DE FOTOGRAFIA DE PRENSA. El 2007 obtiene el Tercer lugar en la Categoría Reportajes Internacionales. En 2008 obtiene el Primer lugar Categoría Reportaje Deportes "Labores al interior del Hipódromo Chile". Ese mismo año recibe en Paris el Primer lugar en AELLA FESTIVAL (Festival Internacional de la Fotografía Latinoamericana en Paris/Francia). El 2008 Aella Festival monta en Francia su obra "Extremos" en la Galería L'Issue.